Last year, I was looking for ways to improve our savings rate.
As it’s one of the most powerful personal finance tool to reach Financial Independence, I wanted to study how the leaders in this topic were reaching crazy figures every month.
Hence I created the Blogger Savings Rate Index (aka. #BSRI) in order to get inspired by my fellow personal finance bloggers.
Blogger Savings Rate Index 2015
No more talking, let’s get to the final ranking of the #BSRI 2015 vintage!
Badass Savers Platinum (≥ 70%)
- #1 The Millionaire Educator | 74% (USA, Family)
Badass Savers Gold (≥ 55%)
- #2 No More Waffles | 67.3% (Belgium, Single)
- #3 ThinkSaveRetire | 66% (USA, Single)
- #4 The Finance Zombie | 59.2% (United Kingdom, Couple)
- #5 Amber Tree Leaves | 55% (Belgium, Family)
Badass Savers Silver (≥ 40%)
- #6 The Single Dollar | 51% (USA, Single)
- #7 theFIREstarter | 48.4% (United Kingdom, Couple)
- #8 Spaarolifantje | 47% (Netherlands, Couple)
- #9 Weenie | 43.7% (United Kingdom, Single)
Badass Savers Bronze (< 40%)
- #10 Mustachian Post | 37.2% (Switzerland, Family)
- #11 White Collar Freedom | 25.8% (Singapore, Couple)
N.B: some of the registered blogs on the #BSRI 2015 were either discontinued or not updated, hence I removed them from the list as they might not be relevant for you anymore. In case I get news from these, I will keep the list updated accordingly.
BSRI 2015 badges
If you were adventurous enough to be listed on the first edition of the #BSRI, below are your badges that you can use to share the wisdom on your blog or any other media.

I hope we’ll get more and more people on this index so that anyone from anywhere and in any situation can easily find similar bloggers so that he/she has appropriate information in order to get his/her financial life forward.
So, what was your savings rate in 2015?