Last month I received the yearly invoice of our liability and household insurance.
As a continuous optimizer, I checked again the conditions applied to our contract.
This started an interesting discussion with my wife.
Me: Have you ever broken your toilet?
Wife: What?!?
Me: During your entire lifetime, did it happen to you to break your toilet?
Wife: No. Never. But why are you asking me this??
Me: You are helping us to potentially save some more cash on our liability and household insurance.
Can you believe we are paying money every year to prevent a potential break of our toilet, sinks, ceramic glass and windows!?!
I continue: to your knowledge, have you ever broken a window at home since you’re born?
Wife: Nope!
Me: OK good. And as far as you can remember, have your parents ever broken a toilet or window at home?
Wife: No. I don’t think so or can’t remember such a situation.
Me: OK. Perfect. It’s the same for me since I’m young. No one from my parents to my siblings broke a toilet nor a window.
Based on this historical data, and knowing we are aligned on educational matters, our children should keep the tradition alive for a long time. Don’t you think so?
Wife: Indeed I think there are not much risks.
Me: And in the worst case with have our cash cushion and we will pay for it ourselves!
Thanks Darling! You helped us to save CHF 147.50/year. Forever! Something like CHF 2'300 on the next 10 years by simply answering a short 5 minutes survey. What a return on investment!!!
Lessons I learnt from this real life experiment:
- 1/ Crowdsource your decisions based on your household experiences and run a quick survey from the couch
- 2/ Challenge everything, and most importantly the yearly contracts that have to be renewed
- 3/ Remove fear from your decision process. No more “And if my child is playing baseball inside one day and happen to break two windows and one sink!”, only “If it breaks, are we going bankrupt because we replace it?”
What about you, dear readers: have you ever broken your toilet?!?
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