I am pleased to announce that my book “Free by 40 in Switzerland” is now available.
In 2013, I discovered this FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement via American blogs, while I was looking for ways to save more money to buy our main residence in Switzerland.
When I found myself confronted with the void of information for the Swiss, I decided to launch my blog in 2014 to document my Swiss FIRE journey.
In 6 years, we acquired our home, and our net worth have grown from CHF 50'000 to over half a million CHF to date. We are now focusing on our main goal to stop having to work for money at the age of 40 in Switzerland.
My path has been featured in media such as the NZZ, Le Temps, the Tages Anzeiger, and in RTS’ TV show TTC.
As I often explain, a person pursues financial independence for one of three reasons: the dream of freedom and independence, the fed up of a professional or personal situation, or by fear of running out of money now or in retirement.
Whatever your situation (personally, it’s the dream of deciding about my life every morning that motivates me), financial independence means never having to worry about money again.
Visit another country for 6 months? No problem, as no more need for a salary once FIRE.
Tired of having to answer to incompetent managers? Same here, we have other things to do with our lives!
Difficult month ends, even in the red sometimes? That’s a thing of the past thanks to financial freedom.
For the first time in Switzerland, this methodology for becoming financially free more than 25 years before the legal age has been compiled into a guide from A-Z, listing every step to be taken to make this freedom a reality in anyone’s life. (To learn more about the details of my method and understand how it really works, you can read the complete table of contents on the dedicated page of my book.)
I decided to write this book with three main objectives in mind:
- Definition, of everything I would have liked to know as a Swiss in the field of personal finance in 2013, with zero jargon — such as how to save as much as possible, how to make your money work for you when you go about your other activities, how to secure salary increases, or how to optimize the taxation of your 2nd and 3rd pillars
- Inspiration, from my Swiss background with all the specificities of our beautiful country (pension system, taxes, etc.), to show you a concrete path, so that you can say to yourself that “Yes, it’s possible!”
- Action, thanks to the hands-on exercises at the end of each chapter. Because inspiration without action, well, that doesn’t do much good except for disappointment and a book that takes dust
If you are interested in not having to work (ever again!) for money long before your 65th birthday, then I let you consult my dedicated page. There you will find all the info on how to buy my book, and its different bonuses available.
In 2013, I had the same choice as you did between red pill, i.e. taking my life in hand by taking action to fly towards financial freedom, or blue pill, i.e. closing my browser and continuing my routine life from paycheck to paycheck until I retire. I’ve made my choice. It’s up to you to make yours today.
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