Net worth and savings rate update November 2019 CHF 407'864.47 (+CHF 12'727.34)

Last updated: December 23, 2019

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It’s amazing how two weeks without writing (cf.explanation of why here) keeps you late with all the regular articles like this one…

Anyway, don’t worry, you’ll be able to satisfy your voyeuristic side once again in 2019 :D

If you are new to the blog, I recommend reading the article that introduced this series about my net worth (including my lucky number, as well as the rules of the game).

November: Christmas decoration, BCV expenses, big trip for 2020, Iban Wallet small interests, blog income (again!), and bull market (again!)

CASH FLOW AND SAVINGS (+CHF 900.26): Thankfully, the blog is starting to bring a steady flow of income as we took plane tickets for a big trip in 2020! This allows us to remain in positive cash flow in November. Other than that, it was a pretty standard month. We just bought some new Christmas decorations (I didn’t even try too hard to dissuade Mrs. MP for once ^^). Ah, and even if it’s only CHF 3.50/month, we had to pay these fees to BCV now that we transferred (almost) all our assets and salary payments to Zak. But by the end of January 2020, it should be over since we will close all our accounts with them!

STOCK MARKET INVESTMENTS (+CHF 7'816.44): The market has gone up like crazy, even though everyone has been announcing a stock market crash for months… Anyway, we take advantage of it, and we keep some cash reserves to be able to enjoy the sales when the day comes.

P2P INVESTMENTS (+CHF 3.67): As I told you in my last journal issue, I have been testing for several weeks a way to make sure that any cash I have is generating at least 2.5%. For this, I use the Iban Wallet P2P platform. I still have some reserves, so if you want to experiment too, it’s at your own risk. I will give you some news during the first quarter of 2020 with a detailed article.
If you ever open an account with them, you can use the code RMARIEUETZ which will give us 25€ each if you credit your account with at least 1'000€ (the blog thanks you very much!) (UPDATE: code no longer valid after 31.12.2019, but the link of the blog is - thanks in advance!)

Like my parents used to say: 'There's no such thing as small profits!'

Like my parents used to say: 'There's no such thing as small profits!'

COINBASE SPECULATION (+CHF 62.21): The crypto-currencies are going up. It’s really the most random thing that exists :)

MP’S 2ND PILLAR (+CHF 602.85): Filling my second pillar as usual.

MRS.’ MP 2ND PILLAR (+CHF 352.20): Filling Mrs. MP’s second pillar as usual.

MP’S 3RD PILLAR (n/a): Nothing to report because I make my one-time payment at the beginning of the year, and my 3rd pillar cash value is also updated at the beginning of the year.

MRS’ MP 3RD PILLAR (+CHF 1'769.85): In addition to the CHF 564 we set aside each month to reach the deductible maximum (CHF 6'826 in 2019), our money has worked well while we were occupied with daily business. All this thanks to the fact that our 3a is 97% invested in equities at VIAC :)

APARTMENT AND MORTGAGE IN SWITZERLAND (n/a): Nothing to report, we still do not repay anything as mortgage rates are so low, and we have not made a revaluation of our property so we do not speculate with its value (i.e. we keep the amount of our initial 20% down payment that we had to pay when we bought our home).

RENTAL BUILDING IN FRANCE (n/a): Same as for our apartment in Switzerland, no price speculation. We’ll wait until we want to resell it to get an evaluation.

MORTGAGE LOAN IN FRANCE (+CHF 725.45): The loan continues to be repaid with the rents we receive each month. Nice :) We still have an empty apartment but we prefer to wait for the right tenant rather than take the first one and then have problems.

SCI (SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE IMMOBILIÈRE, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY IN ENGLISH) IN FRANCE (+CHF 494.41): We had to pay back overpayments from a former tenant who forgot to cancel his automatic transfer… and the worst thing is that I had to warn him so he would realize it… Not all of us are geeks of numbers and personal finance apparently ^^

Total change in net worth: +CHF 12'727.34

In terms of financial independence, we are at 19% of our objective of CHF 2'156'000 with our net worth of CHF 407'864.47.

So it’s official, we’ve passed the 400kCHF mark, and we’ll soon pass the 20% mark of our objective ;)

Next stop: half a million!

Savings rate for November

On the one hand, I am disappointed because we are below 40% (the minimum acceptable according to me) with a savings rate of 37% in November 2019. But on the other hand, when I see the few thousand francs we had to take out for our big trip, and that even with that we’re at 37%, I think it’s not that bad actually!

And you, how much net worth and savings rate are you at by the end of November 2019?

Note: I would like to thank the Patrons of the MP blog who have been supporting it for several months with their contributions. A huge thank you to @Adrian, @Brian, @Cédric, @Alberto, @Patrik, @PK, @Roddy, and @Valentin!

PS : if you also want to have access to bonuses such as the screenshot revealing the amount of each of my assets (I post it every month when this net worth update’s article is published online), then you just have to become a patron of the blog via Patreon.

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