
Last updated: February 9, 2025

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2017 Goals

1 - Success - Have blogposts available both in English and French
2 - Failed - Average 40% of monthly savings

2016 Goals

1 - Failed - Have blogposts available both in English and French
2 - Failed - Average at least one blogpost per week - i.e. at least 45 posts in 1 year
3 - Success - Write between 15 and 30 minutes per weekday
4 - Success - Setup a newsletter email for new blogposts published
5 - Failed - Average 40% of monthly savings
6 - Success - Rebuild our emergency fund up to CHF 15'000
7 - Success - Read “The Miracle Morning”
8 - Failed - Read “The magic of thinking big”
9 - Failed - Read “The millionaire next door”
10 - Success - Read “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing” by Marie Kondo
11 - Failed - Read “Your money or your life”
12 - Success - Go to sport training once a week from beginning of March

2015 Goals

1 - Failed - Average at least one blogpost per week
2 - Failed - Write between 15 and 30 minutes per weekday
3 - Success - Propose RSS to readership
4 - Failed - Setup a newsletter email for new blogposts published
5 - Success - Have a first blogpost where reader’s involvement is rewarded by something cool
6 - Success - Find another Swiss blogger who is seeking financial freedom
7 - Failed - Have “Early Retirement in Switzerland” ebook written, ready to be proofread by family and readers who subscribed early to buy it
8 - Failed - Average 40% of monthly savings
9 - Success - but we want more!!! - Reach CHF 122'000 CHF 162'000 of net worth to support mid-term goal
10 - Success - Max out our two household 3rd pillars
11 - Failed - Read either “Your money or your life” or “A Random Walk Down Wall Street”
12 - Success - Read “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less”
13 - Failed - Read “The Miracle Morning”
14 - Failed - Go to sport training once a week

2014 Goals

1 - Success - Start a blog about my journey towards early retirement / financial freedom in Switzerland
2 - Success - Don’t give up on the blog after the first months
3 - Failed - Write at least two blogposts per month
4 - (Almost) Success - Average 35% of savings rate
5 - Failed - Increase net worth up to CHF 85'000 so to support mid-term goal (i.e. buy our home)
6 - Success - Start investing for real, and document it on the blog
7 - Success - Lower Internet and mobile household monthly fees
8 - Success - Scrunitize interesting Swiss credit card opportunities, and document them
9 - Success - Reinforce my (our) cooking muscles and keep saving money on our lunches
10 - Success - Simplify our banking setup (too many accounts opened at various banks)
11 - Failed - Get a blogpost featured on rockstarfinance.com
12 - Success - Build an online presence for mustachianpost.com
13 - Success - Start building a list of all European blogs who seek Financial Freedom and Early Retirement
14 - Success - Be the first CHF blog listed on rockstarfinance.com net worth list

As usual, I only write and review things that I use in my personal daily life, or that I trust.

Thank you for reading!