Meaning of the word Mustachian

Last updated: February 9, 2025

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A Mustachian is a person who wishes to achieve financial freedom in order to pursue his or her own aspirations without having to depend on active work for a living. Some of his guiding principles are: passive income rather than lifetime employment, frugal rather than spendthrift, minimalist rather than consumerist.
The most beautiful things on this Earth are free!

The most beautiful things on this Earth are free!

The Mustachian movement takes its name from the blog “Mr. Money Mustache” created in 2011 by Peter Adeney, a Canadian software engineer who retired early at age 30.

The blog quickly became popular, offering practical advice on money management, investing and early retirement. Mr. Money Mustache’s main message is that early retirement is available to everyone, as long as you live frugally, maximize your savings and make wise spending choices.

The Mustachian movement has since spread beyond the original blog, with online communities (including my “Mustachian Post” blog that you’re currently reading) and local groups dedicated to frugality, investing and financial independence.

Members of our community share tips and strategies for saving money to achieve financial independence faster.

The Mustachian movement is often associated with other voluntary simplicity movements, reflecting members’ commitment to living a simple, frugal and sustainable life.

As usual, I only write and review things that I use in my personal daily life, or that I trust.

Thank you for reading!