How to start investing in Switzerland — Swiss Investor Program

Last updated: February 9, 2025

I'll take you by your hand and show you how to invest
in the stock market in just 30 minutes per quarter!

Earn money in the stock market Switzerland

You will have the possibility to verify your purchase.

What's new in v2 of the program (published in June 2024)
- Brokerage account configuration for investing as a couple (see slides 6-7 in chapter 12)
- Increased granularity of steps (from CHF transfer to final purchase)
- How to overcome every fear of investing in the stock market (clear, concise, rational answers) (see slides 16-20 in chapter 3)

And much more, to discover on this dedicated page >

Have you ever had these thoughts?

The different fears of investing in the stock market in Switzerland

If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

Young and motivated Swiss who want to grow their savings.

You didn’t arrive on this blog by chance.

You too are interested in aiming for financial independence at the age of 40 in Switzerland.

And you’re right: your CHF savings have to make babies if you ever want to stop working for money.

Whatever your ultimate motivations are — whether to be your own boss, do humanitarian work, or travel the world — they all require that you invest money strategically to generate returns that lead to financial freedom.

After my rigorous 6-week program, here is what Marie-Estelle said:


Alumni of the Swiss Investor program

"Simple and effective! Especially when you have little time, but you know the importance of not letting your money sleep. This training allows you to acquire the necessary tools to take your first steps in ETF investment in Switzerland! Thank you, Marc!"

The story telling of this page targets a “young investor”, as I wish I got this investment advice myself when I was 20… But everything written is valid as well for you, whatever your age (40, 50, 60, or even 70), as long as you have about 8-10y of investment horizon.

Young and motivated Swiss who is scared of the stock market.

When I joined the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement in 2013, I started with the easiest and least complicated thing: making a budget and reducing my expenses!

Once I did that, I had to face one of my biggest fears: investing in the stock market.

All the blogs I read had one thing in common: if you don’t want to spend hours building a business or managing a rental property, the only solution left with a decent return is… the stock market 😅

Suffice it to say that it took me several months to overcome my fear and belief that the stock market was very complicated and very risky.

Props to my family circle and my conservative education concerning financial investments…

You know, my Dad had a famous phrase: “In any case, the only way to keep your savings in the long term is in stone or worse, in a blocked savings account!”

I went through every possible and unimaginable mental state…

I imagined if I were to lose all our savings overnight, we wouldn’t have to work until we’re 65 but until 95!

I was freaked out… in full-blown fear of the stock market…

And Mrs. MP would never consent to put our savings in the stock market if I myself can’t explain how it works…

And then one sunny day in September, due to a burst of courage, I decided to check it out for myself.

I opened my online brokerage account, waited a few days for it to be activated, then bought my first ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) ever.

“Yeah! It wasn’t that hard actually, just a little cryptic but that’s okay…” I bragged to my past self.

But this euphoria did not last long…

A month and a half later, I found out that the broker I had chosen was not at all optimal in terms of fees…

Their marketing had worked well on me, and I had been fooled like a newbie…

As for my Exchange Traded Fund, I realized after a few months that it was not at all going to provide me with returns as great as I had imagined…


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy MP, will ya! I lost you the moment you mentioned brokerage (isn’t that a real estate term?!). Can you please speak English??”You, as you read these sentences

Oops, yeah, you’re right!

I understand your frustration because that’s exactly what I used to tell myself when I was talking to colleagues about the stock market back when I knew nothing about it…

MP is at your disposal, don't worry!

Earn money in the stock market Switzerland

Jargon is the number one enemy that keeps you from getting started with the stock market.

That, and all the marketing that’s out there on the web…

Especially since the best platforms and financial investments don’t have the need to attract new people because they already have enough customers… so you end up with unideal solutions when you search “how to invest in the stock market” on Google…

And I’m not even talking about the bankers and insurers who, when they see your bank account exceed a certain amount, call you to try to sell you all sorts of products, each one more rotten than the next!

This whole journey has taken me several years. From 2013 to 2016 to be precise.

But after exploring around and trial by error, I had read enough books and blogs to understand what to invest in (and especially why!), and via what means.

And so, since 2016, I’ve been investing ever since while understanding what I’m actually doing, whilst still sleeping soundly.

Today, I have around CHF 320,000 working for me every minute, even while I’m asleep. And my long-term return target is 6-8% annually.

Make money in the stock market Switzerland

Finally, all this allows me to not depend on dishonest bankers and insurers to manage my investments. I can rely on the person who is most aligned with my own interests: myself!

Don't just take my word for it:

The testimonial of an alumni of the 'Swiss Investor Program' (17.03.2022)

How to invest in the stock market in Switzerland,
Your action plan:

  1. Choose the package that suits you (see below)
  2. Receive the 1st chapter of the program immediately by e-mail (the following ones will come at regular intervals, by e-mail too)
  3. Follow the detailed instructions step by step
  4. Invest your first CHF in the stock market (send me a screenshot so we can celebrate it virtually!!)
  5. Watch your net worth increase over the long term (via the increase in value of your securities, as well as the dividends you will receive 💰)

I guarantee:

Choose from 3 packages:

Package "Essential" - CHF 79

For the investor who already understands the main principles of the stock market and wants to align their financial planning with concrete examples of investment portfolios tailored to different asset classes and levels of risk tolerance.


  • 📈 1x PDF with concrete examples of ETF portfolios for every risk profile
  • 🙋🏻‍♀️ 1x PDF with the summary of why I prefer to trade stock and bond ETFs over other ways to invest in the stock market
  • 🔍 1x PDF with the list of existing risk profiles and the investments that fit them well

You will be able to select your package and verify your purchase.

Package "Complete" - CHF 365

For the motivated Swiss who has no idea how to invest, but who is determined to invest his/her first Swiss Francs in the stock market in the next few weeks!


  • Everything in the "Essential" package described above
  • 15x PDFs in slides format containing the actual program (12 complete chapters), that are immediately applicable

The 12 comprehensive chapters include information such as:

  • The basics of the stock market that you absolutely must know before jumping in, without jargon or blabla (ch. 3)
  • What investment strategy to choose when you are a beginner in Switzerland? (slides 2-9, ch. 7)
  • Which ETFs to choose, and more importantly how to find them?! (sub-ch. 8.1-8.4)
  • How to select your risk profile as an investor so you can sleep soundly? (slides 11-16, ch. 7)
  • Concrete example of an ETF portfolio that I myself would use for each risk profile (slides 2-11, ch. 9)
  • Ultra-quick guide on how to choose the right online broker for your situation (slides 7-13, ch. 10)
  • Complete tutorial on how to open your online brokerage account (slide 14, ch. 10)
  • Step-by-step guide on how to invest in your first stock in the stock market (slides 2-9, ch. 11)

All this includes my infamous humor, headache-free, and filled with positive vibes!

You can click here to see the details of the 12 chapters.

You will be able to select your package and verify your purchase.

Package "Personalized" - CHF 799

For the investor who has already made up his mind, but wants to make sure there aren't any hidden surprises before taking the plunge.


  • Everything in the "Complete" package described above
  • Access to a dedicated MP email address to send me all the info about your situation (including your fears and doubts!)

Thanks to the direct contact with me, you will be able to get:

  • The confirmation of your strategy and choice of ETFs by me
  • The investment portfolio that I would opt for if I were in your situation

Think of this package as having access to someone you can trust with a proven track record, and who you'll have access to at the most stressful time of a stock market purchase: the time when you're about to invest several hundred or thousands of your own savings in an ETF.

You will be able to select your package and verify your purchase.

What you don't want...

If you're serious about learning how to invest in the stock market, then you want to avoid making the same mistakes I did:

  • Wait several years before starting, and lose the opportunity to earn tens of thousands of CHF!
  • Choosing the wrong online broker who charges you exorbitant account fees...
  • Buying the wrong stocks or bonds on the stock market (with too many fees too!), and having to sell them at a loss when you realize you made a mistake...
  • Follow the strategy proposed by your friendly and nice bank "advisor" (or worse your insurer!), who gets you to invest all your money into his actively managed funds or mutual funds, which include an all-expenses paid Porsche (for him, not for you!)

What you want: to understand what you are doing & create options for yourself

This program is another step towards your early retirement at 40 in Switzerland.

One stock market investment at a time!

Investing in the stock market passive income dividends

Some participants have aspirations other than very early retirement, such as creating a safety cushion or providing a legacy for their children.

But it doesn't matter what your (financial) goal is, because in the end, what we all want is: create options for ourselves thanks to the financial freedom of passive income in CHF.

I guarantee you: if you follow and implement each of my steps, you will have invested your first Swiss Francs in the stock market by the end of this program. Otherwise I'll give you a full refund!

And you don't need a Master's degree in Economics or a diploma from the EPFL to build your net worth through stock market investments in Switzerland.

I am living proof of that ;)

You, motivated young Swiss, in exactly 39 days

Today, in addition to being scared to death by the stock market, you’re completely screwed because you don’t have a clue about how to start investing in the stock market.

You don’t know how to answer the question “How to invest my money so it makes babies even while I’m asleep?” And you really want to!

In exactly 39 days, after following and applying my step-by-step program, you will be that person who has successfully invested in the stock market in Switzerland.

Your acquaintances will wonder how you managed to learn so much about stock market investing.

“You must have a MBA or something right?! No?! Then you must have won the lottery, right…?”


You just knew how to find the right keys, and put the necessary energy into it.

Detailed content of the
"Swiss Investor Program"

Investing stock market Switzerland - Detailed program 'Swiss Investor Program'

You will be able to select your package and verify your purchase.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How much money do I need to start investing?

I would say at least 100-200 CHF.

How much time does your program require weekly (during these 39 days)?

Between 1 and 4 hours per week depending on the chapter.

What does this program actually consist of?

The program consists of twelve chapters which you will receive per email at an optimized interval so that you have time to complete all the exercises at your own pace.

​Each chapter contains all the information on how to invest in a concise and precise manner, without any jargon, and above all without useless blabla.
​At the end of each chapter, I included a practical and useful exercise for you to start creating your first diversified portfolio and buy your very first ETF!

How long is the validity of my access to the program (after my purchase)?

Once purchased, your access to the program is unlimited in time. Even after you've received all the program elements by email, you'll continue to have access to them indefinitely. So you can buy it now and get on with it in several months if you like.

If it's that easy to invest in the stock market, does that mean that even my grandmother could follow your program?!

Clearly!!! I guide you starting with the explanation of what the stock market is (like the basics you absolutely need to know), to the ultimate answer of "What should I invest in?". The program includes showing you how to open your brokerage account and buy your first stock!

So yes, tell Grandma to sign up too!

A friend told me that she invests her 3a pillar money in ETFs to put her savings to work when she sleeps. She mentioned VIAC I think. Do you know about it? Do you cover this topic in your program?

Yes and yes :)

Is there anything else to pay for (besides the program registration itself) afterward?

​No, nothing more. All the tools I'm going to show you are free — including your online brokerage account :)

Are there any recommended prerequisites for this program such as basic knowledge of economics, or "be prepared to invest CHF XXX upon completion of the program", etc.?

No, that's actually the purpose of the course to cover this basic knowledge.

​And concerning the amount, I would say that if you have around 100-200 CHF to invest, it is already worth it. Because the goal is to understand and know how to do it so that you feel confident to invest savings in the future.

I am a complete beginner in the "Mustachian" environment, are there any steps to take before considering learning to invest in the stock market?

Before you start investing, I recommend the following:

  1. Pay all your debts (highest interest rates first)
  2. Plan for next month's and annual bills
  3. Build a safety cushion for any emergency situation
  4. Fill your 3a pillar to the max to save as much tax as possible
  5. Start investing in the stock market!

I have already opened an account with Interactive Brokers 1 month ago. But I haven't invested anything yet. I have some stock market knowledge, but no knowledge of how to invest (which stocks? index funds, stocks funds, dividend stocks or those that are potentially highly rated? etc.).
Will your program suit me, or am I too advanced?

According to what you are describing, you are the ideal person for the program.
You will have already covered the second chapter (opening a brokerage account), but the other 11 chapters will be very useful!

What participants say:

I asked the alumni participants of the "How to start investing in Switzerland — Swiss Investor Program" to share their feedback with you, and got some great responses:

You will be able to select your package and verify your purchase.

Testimonial of Christian
Testimonial of Gabriela
Testimonial of Denis
Testimonial of Marco
Testimonial of Lucien
Testimonial of Bruno
Testimonial of David
Testimonial of Nhan
Testimonial of Marie-Estelle
Testimonial of Nina

You will be able to select your package and verify your purchase.

As usual, I only write and review things that I use in my personal daily life, or that I trust.

Thank you for reading!